Dear Fiddlehead, I’m hosting an Oscar’s viewing party with a group of girlfriends, what do I need? – Ashley
Dress up or dress comfy?
We are always looking for an excuse to get dressed up! It doesn’t have to be black tie by any means, but definitely ask people to come red carpet ready! Have a contest for best dressed or most creative outfit. Gather your very own fashion police squad that will help you vote!
Party food
Ok, we all know that women never eat at these things. Don’t go overboard on anything heavy. When you are all glammed up, the last thing you want to eat is a slider. How about a sushi bar or a lovely charcuterie plate? Keep the drinks light, too. Signature cocktails can be a fun addition to the party and can play into your theme. Pinterest is full of great ideas. These skinny champagne margaritas are delicious.

Party accessories
This is one place where I wouldn’t go overboard. Try repurposing things you already have. Set a great tablescape with a colorful runner or throw, candles, stacks of Fashion magazines or design related books, or those awards that your kids may have won that you had no idea what to do with….voila!